Category Archives: creative

First Grant of the Season

I just finished writing my first grant of the “season.”  It was a 55-page proposal for an excellent program. I loved the client.  I loved the idea.

But writing it was like pulling teeth for me.

It happens to me every year.  There is something about that first big grant of the season that is a struggle for me. It must be something about the creative part of my brain that works part-time when it’s not grant time.  When it’s time for it to get back to full-time work (or more than full-time work), it drags its feet, whines, and rebels against all my attempts to impose any intellectual discipline.

Yes, it feels like my mind has a mind of its own.

After that first one, it’s under my control again and the next grant goes well, as does the next one, and the next one, and so on until the end of the grant season.

Frankly, I don’t know why it’s so difficult, because I always win and end up with an excellent proposal.

I am the Grant Goddess, after all.  😉

Published by Creative Resources & Research